Faith-Based Group Purchasing - Better purchasing for your ministry
With Entegra as your procurement partner, you don’t have to compromise quality to successfully run your ministry or its programs. We connect you to an unmatched network of suppliers, world-class support services and experts with decades of faith-based experience to help your ministry reliably serve your communities.
*Savings based when compared to supplier list prices
What we deliver
Entegra is far more than a group purchasing organization. We are a performance partner that supports more than 5,000 faith-based organizations with a comprehensive range of services and solutions.
Now along with the added experience of CORD, we deliver custom contracting, culinary expertise and digital tools that let you see and optimize your savings — plus deeper professional support to enhance your ministries’ experience while achieving your budgetary goals.
Savings and purchasing solutions
Data and digital tools
Advisory services and client support
Corporate social responsibility
Helping your ministry succeed
A comprehensive selection
Reliable professional support
Cultivating a comforting space
Trusted support with CORD
We know ministry.
Entegra expertise highlight:
CORD, Inc.
In 2021, we purchased CORD, Inc., making Entegra the leading GPO and business performance partner for faith-based communities.
Founded in 1993, CORD has served thousands of churches, camps, schools, missions, and other ministries across the United States. Today, we are able to introduce more faith-based clients to some of the most experienced and dedicated experts in the field — allowing ministries to benefit from greater guidance on savings and guest experience.