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Safety Tips

Know the Differences: Clean, Disinfect and Sanitize

June 18, 2020

Cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing are not all the same thing.

Cleaning removes dirt and spills and can be accomplished by wiping a surface with plain water or a vinegar solution and a cloth.

Disinfecting and sanitizing involve the use of soaps and chemicals but the words are often used interchangeably. Both will inactivate viruses and kill bacteria, but sanitizers work much faster than disinfectants, which can take up to 10 minutes to work properly.

View the Environmental Protection Agency’s “List N” of registered disinfectants, which includes some sanitizing chemicals such as ammonium or bleach solutions. These are much stronger than other disinfecting chemicals, such as solutions based in citric acid or hydrogen peroxide. Follow label directions for proper personal protection when using stronger chemicals.

Clean and disinfect the following locations in your operation frequently:

  • Host podiums, including all associated equipment

  • Service stations

  • Service carts

  • Beverage stations and soda fountain equipment

  • Countertops

  • Handrails

  • Tables

  • Chairs (especially the chair back, where it is often touched)


Clean and sanitize the following after each use:

  • Trays (all types) and tray stands

  • Storage containers

  • Food preparation stations


Additional tips for cleaning protocols:

  • Deep clean and disinfect kitchens at least once per day

  • Transfer food and beverage items between staff members and to customers using contactless methods

  • Ensure dish machines are functioning properly and up to temperature

  • Serve condiments in disposable, single-use containers

  • Use menu boards or paper, disposable Menus

June 18, 2020

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